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Setup new VPS

Setup new VPS

First, create a new VPS

We recommend starting from scratch with a new VPS from your favourite cloud provider. If you already have a VPS, you can skip this step.


We built the init script with Ubuntu/Debian in mind, so it might not work on other distributions. If you're using a different distribution, you can still use the init script as a reference or contribute to the project to support your distribution.

Login to the server with SSH

When you created the server, ensure that you have a SSH key pair configured to login to the server. The SSH key is usually located in ~/.ssh/ on your local machine.

Login to the server:

# Login to the server. It will prompt you for the host.
lostdock login
    $ lostdock login
  Login to your server. Store the login config in ~/.lostdock/logins.json
    set-default ········ Set default login from your logins: ~/.lostdock/logins.json
    --host ············· Your server's hostname (e.g. An IP address is also acceptable.
    --user ············· Your SSH username (e.g. root).
    --privateKeyPath ··· Your SSH private key (e.g. ~/.ssh/id_rsa).
    --whoami, -w ······· Show current login configuration
    --list, -l ········· Show all saved login configurations
    --help, -h ········· Show help

Init the server

The init script will install some dependencies, update your packages, install Docker, Docker Compose and configure the firewall.

lostdock server init

Deploy your first stack

Now that you have a working server, you can deploy a pre-configured stack or your own stack.